Plump Beauty Co. Blog — detox
Is The Fountain of Youth in... Stainless Steel?
acne alle rewards anti aging botox buccal fat pad removal circulation dark circles detox elasticity face roller face rolling facial facial serum gua sha juvederm muscle tone radiant skin serum skin toning slimmer face smooth skin stainless steel voluma wrinkles

Usually when we think of stainless steel, we think of kitchen appliances, pots and pans and that cute mixing and salad serving bowl under your cabinet. So what does stainless steel have to do with your beauty routine? Well, if you're dodging Botox, Voluma and Juvederm needles and advertisements (seriously as soon as you put your birthdate in a browser, its like they have you at the top of the Evolus and Alle rewards ad targering list) in your 30's, stainless steel might be the answer to extending your trip to the med spa! Insert the Extreme Contour Gua Sha...